Dr Chandresh Shah- BDS, FICD(USA)

Participated in the Nobel Biocare World Conference 2007 held in Las Vegas on May 20-24, 2007.

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Successfully completed Professional Soft and Hard Tissue Management Course of AIC from February 2nd-4th, 2012 in Mumbai, India.

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Fellow of International College of Dentists (USA).

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Invited by Dentsply International for the workshop on Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry at Dentsply Detrey - Constan, Germany from 4th-8th September 2005. 

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Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry is indebted to Dr. Chandresh Shah for the untiring efforts displayed during the 16th annual conference on September 26th-28th, 2008 Goa.

Participated in the Pre Conference Course titled 'The ultimate in Impressioning & Physiological Jow Recording for R.P Procedure' conducted by Dr. Shankar Iyer and Dr. Asha Samant at the '8th World Congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference 2010' held at New Delhi , India on November 18th-19th, 2010.

Participated in the Nobel Biocare Symposium Asia-Pacific 2010 in Tokyo on August 21st-22nd, 2010.

Attended as Chairperson/Co-Chairperson for Scientific Programme during '8th World Congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference 2010' held at New Delhi , India on November 20th-22nd, 2010.

Dr Heena Shah- BDS (Cert.Laser and Cosmetic Dentistry)

Successfully completed Professional Sinus Surgery Training Course of AIC from October 28 to November 1,2007 in Mumbai,India. 

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Successfully completed the Picasso 810nm Diode Laser Certification Program in accordance with the Curriculum Guidelines for Dental Laser Education in Indianapolis , U.S. on June 25th,2010.

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Participated in the Nobel Biocare Symposium Asia-Pacific 2010 in Tokyo on August 21st-22nd,2010.

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Successfully completed the NobelFellow Programme in Implant and Esthetic Dentistry held in mumbai,India from June 2006 to December 2006.

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Indian Society of Oral Implantalogists dedicated to the advancement of the Art and Science of Oral Implantalogy certifies that Dr. Heena Shah is a Life Member.

Participated in the Nobel Biocare World Tour™ 2006 Conference held in Mumbai,India on April 21-23,2006 and is a member of Nobel Biocare Family.

Participated in the Nobel Biocare World Conference 2007 held in Las Vegas on May 20th-24th, 2007.

Participated in 2 day hands-on-programme on "Lasers in Dentistry" on October 11-12, 2008.

Participated with great success in the practical and theoritical Course on BOI registered symbol and immediate loading in Dental Implantology held in Pune , India on March 13th-15th, 2010.

Participated in the Pre Conference Course titled 'The ultimate in Impressioning & Physiological Jow Recording for R.P Procedure' conducted by Dr. Shankar Iyer and Dr. Asha Samant at the '8th World Congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference 2010' held at New Delhi , India on November 18th-19th, 2010.

Attended '8th World Congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference 2010' held at New Delhi , India on November 20th-22nd, 2010 as Delegate.

Attended the Lecture and Hands-on workshop 'A to Z of Porcelain Laminates/Veneers' conducted by Dr. Gulip Gurel on March 9th-10th, 2011 at Mumbai,India.

Successfully completed the course on 'Occlusion Demystified - Principles of Full Mouth and Rehabiliation' at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi on 7th-8th April, 2012.

She has completed post graduate diploma in yoga in August 2012 recognized by Indian board of alternative medicine.

Dr Abhishek Shah- B.D.S, M.D.S, DISOI, DICOI (USA) (Periodontist and Implantologist)

Member of Indian Dental Association.

Life Member of Indian Society of Periodontolgy.

Life Member, Fellow and Diplomate of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists.

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Member, Fellow and Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologists.(U.S.A).

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Member of International Team of Implantologists(ITI).

Attended World Dental Implant Conference at Moscow, Russia in the year 2012. 

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Won Second Price for scientific paper presentation at International College of Dentists (ICD) Conference, New Delhi.

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Successfully completed professional advance Sinus Surgery Training Course in the year 2012.

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Life Member of Indian Academy of Asthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry.

Participated in the Hands on Workshop on “Modern Endodontics” in December, 2007.

Participation and Paper Presentation titled “Use of Free Gingival Graft in Increasing the Width of Keratinized Tissue Around Dental Implants- A Case Report” at the 8th World Congress for Oral Implantology and AAID Global Conference, Nov 2010 held at New Delhi. 

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Participation in the Pre Conference Course titled “Current Trends in Aesthetic Periodontology and Soft Tissue Management” conducted by Dr Andre Saadoun at the 8th World Congress for Oral Implantology and AAID Global Conference, Nov 2010 held at New Delhi.

Successfully completed “Foundation Course in Oral Implantology” in the year 2010 in Mumbai. 

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Apart from his academic achievements,Dr. Abhishek Shah has participated in various extra curricular activities and was awarded Best Sportsman of the Year Award at the sports meet of KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, 2011.

Has presented many posters and papers at National and International Conferences.

Has attended Dr. Paulo Malo's implant training workshop at Lisbon, Portugal.

Became the youngest diplomat in India.

Dr Abhishek Shah has successfully completed numerous endurance events. He has many half-marthons of 21.km, full-marathon of 42 km, Ultra Marathon Swimming of 5 km in the Sea, Aquathalons, Olympic Triathlon (1.5km Swim, 40km Cycling and 10km Running) and  Half Ironman Triathlon (2km Swim, 90km Cycling, 21km Running) to his credit. He Likes Adventure Activities as well and has Successfully done various activities such as Sky Diving, Scuba Diving, Trekking, River Rafting, Bunjee Jumping, etc.

Dr Parita Shah- B.D.S (cert. Aesthetic and Prosthetic Dentistry- NYU- USA)

Successfully completed a comprehensive course on 'Esthetic Dentistry' under the auspices of the faculty and staff of New York university , college of dentistry and smile care at Mumbai, India.

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Participated in a 3-day Hands-On continuing dental education programme on 'Porcelain Veneers and Fixed Prosthodontics ' held at Thane from 19th to 21st September, 2014.

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Participated in a Hands on workshop on 'Modern Endodontics ' held at thane on 11th and 12th October, 2014. 

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Successfully completed a two days workshop on 'All ceramic veneers ' under the auspices of the faculty and staff of smile care, India held at Mumbai.

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Was a registered participant in New York City ' Current concepts in American dentistry (Advances in cosmetics and oral rehabilitation) under the auspices of the faculty and staff of the New York university, College of Dentistry from Sept 23 - Oct 2, 2015.

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Attended the 3 days conference on Endodontics held at Mirasol resorts , Daman on 17th , 18th and 19th July 2015.

Has also attended various State level IDA lectures related to full mouth rehabilitation and occlusion.

Dr.Amruta Surana Kadhiwala- B.D.S (cert.Micro-Endodontics)

Member of Indian Dental Association.

Attended a program on "Successful Esthetic Dentistry Through Clinical Excellence", held on 5th September, 2010.

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Successfully completed comprehensive course on "ESTHETIC DENTISTRY" under faculty and staff of New York University college of dentistry and smile care held on 3rd-7th December, 2011.

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Participated in a Hands on workshop on 'Modern Endodontics' held at thane on 11th and 12th October, 2014.

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Successfully completed hands on program on "Micro -Dentistry" on 19th July.

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Has successfully completed a 3day conference on ENDODONTICS "Excellence in Endodontics" held on 17th -19th July 2015.

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Dr.Pooja Narang Desai - B.D.S (cert.Pediatric Dentistry)

Certificate of "Modern Endodontics" 27th-29th april 2013 

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Successfully Mastered "Hans-on Continuing Dental Program" 26th-28th feb 2016

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Successfully Completed "Hans-on Continuing Dental Program" 5th-7th oct 2012

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Successfully Completed "The Newest Sparkle In Pediatric Sentistry" 12th march 2017

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Dr.Krutika Shah - B.D.S,M.D.S (Periodontics)

Certifacte for Scientific Presentation at the "14th ISP NAtional Post Graduate Convention" 14th-15th march 2015

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Successfully Completed the "Implant Udate 2016" 18th sep 2016

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Sameeksha Certificate of "Sameeksha-The Rapid Revision Program" 23rd-25th jan 2016

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Dr.Rashi N Shah -  B.D.S

Successfully Attended Lecture on "Fast Track Endo USning Advance Insrtument & Techniques"

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Particiption in the hand-on Session "Crown-it" 10th june 2012

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Cretificate of Paticipation "An Expert's prespective on Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry" 24th-25th Aug 2013

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