A number of periodontal plastic surgical procedures are available to strengthen thin, weak gum tissue as well as enhance the cosmetic appearance of the soft tissues. They serve to help maintain teeth, treat sensitivity, or improve the esthetics of your smile. They include soft tissue grafts and esthetic crown lengthening.

Autogenous Gingival Graft

This treatment involves the utilization of a small piece of tissue removed from the roof of the mouth and placed in an area of extremely weak, thin tissue to prevent further recession.

Case 1


Graft Satured

Post Operative

Connective Tissue Graft

Case 1

Esthetic Crown Lengthening

An excessive display of gum tissue when smiling results in the often referred to “gummy smile”. This unsightly appearance can be correctd by altering the level of the gum line with an esthetic crown lengthening procedure. This technique is also utilized to eliminate unsightly uneven gum levels on adjacent teeth.

Case 1

FGG Around Implants

Case 1


Graft Sutured

Post Operative
